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General FAQs

What grades can use Grapevine?

Old Testament and New Testament Overview studies come in:

Topical Studies coming in:

Can I teach multiple ages/grades with these studies?

YES! Our studies are designed to help you teach multiple ages at one time, using only 1 teacher book.

All our Topical Studies are designed for ages 7 and up, but using the traceable student version of the study, you can include younger students in your lesson.

Our Old Testament and New Testament Overviews  levels:

        Early Elementary

        Elementary and

        Middle School are compatible.

Use the Master Teacher book to teach all 3 levels at one time.

However, the studies above are not compatible with the PreK-Kindergarten level.

Can I teach children younger than 5 years old or those with special needs?

Yes, if they can trace or draw basic shapes. The Traceable version of each study is designed for younger children or those with special learning needs. 

Try a Sample Lesson to see how it works for your student.

For what denomination was this curriculum written?

Our studies teach Bible facts and leave application and questions of doctrine to the teacher to explain.

Our curriculum is currently used in a wide variety of denominations on five continents.

For further explanation please see:

      Statement of Faith

      How Does Grapevine Handle Doctrine?

I am new to Grapevine, where do I start?

We recommend starting with the Old Testament Overview.

Choose the student book the best aligns with the age/grade of your student.


        Early Elementary


        Middle School 

Will I miss anything if I start with an older level?

If you are teaching the Old Testament or New Testament studies, our goal is to cover the major characters and events of the Bible.

With each level we introduce a new skill for students to learn to enable them to eventually be able to study the Bible on their own.

Skills taught at each level:


             Introduce your students to the major character and events.

        Early Elementary

             Introduce the Bible timeline

             Memorize the books of the Bible and other facts


             Learn basic Bible geography

        Middle School

             Practice using Bible study tools:

                    Dictionary, Concordance, and Topical Bible

Do I need a teacher book?

Yes! Some curriculums don’t need a Teacher book to effectively teach the lessons, however, you will want a Teacher book with Grapevine Bible studies.

Teacher books include: stick figure drawings, lesson notes, timeline narratives, and answers to review questions.

See an example of a Teacher Books

     PreK-K Teacher

     Master Teacher

What is the difference between PreK-Kindergarten and Early Elementary?

In each level we introduce skills to help students to grow in their faith and eventually study the Bible on their own.

PreK-Kindergarten skills focus:

  • Become familiar with major Bible characters
  • Retell the major stories of the Bible
  • Traceable version for younger students

**The PreK-K level is NOT compatible with the older levels.

PreK-Kindergarten and Early Elementary levels give young students plenty of room to draw with only two drawings per page. In the older levels, students draw four pictures per page.

Early Elementary skills focus:

  • Introduced to the Bible timeline
  • Memorize Bible facts*
  • Traceable version for younger students

**Extra Memory Work:

Old Testament facts:
     •    Books of the Old Testament
     •    Ten Commandments
     •    Twelve Sons of Jacob

New Testament facts:
     •    Books of the New Testament
     •    The Twelve Apostles
     •    The Apostles Creed

What is the difference between Early Elementary and Elementary?

In each level we introduce skills to help students to grow in their faith and eventually study the Bible on their own.

Early Elementary skills focus:

  • Introduced to the Bible timeline
  • Memorize Bible Facts*
  • Traceable version for younger students

 Elementary skills focus:

  • Introduced to the Bible timeline
  • Memorize Bible Facts*
  • Traceable version for younger students

*Bible Facts:

    Old Testament facts:

  • Books of the Old Testament
  • Ten Commandments
  • Twelve Sons of Jacob

    New Testament facts:

  • Books of the New Testament
  • The Twelve Apostles
  • The Apostles Creed

**The PreK-K level is NOT compatible with these levels.

What is the difference between Elementary and Middle School?

In each level we introduce skills to help students to grow in their faith and eventually study the Bible on their own.

 Elementary skills focus:

    *Old Testament facts:

  • Books of the Old Testament
  • Ten Commandments
  • Twelve Sons of Jacob

    *New Testament facts:

  • Books of the New Testament
  • The Twelve Apostles
  • The Apostles Creed

Middle School skill focus:

What is the Multi-Level Student version?

Our Topical Studies come in a “Multi-Level version”.

Mutli-Level: Ages 7 and up

Multi-Level Traceable: Ages 7 and under

Multi-Level skill focus:

  • Timeline for the study
  • Basic Bible geography
  • Try a Sample Lesson

Our Old Testament and New Testament Overview studies coming in the different levels.

May I make copies of Grapevine Studies books?

Yes, by purchasing the eBooks you can legally make copies of a book based on the license you choose.

However, you can not legally make copies of a physical book. If you want to print your own books, see the options below.

Here are our ebook options:

  • For Teachers: Legally print a book for 1 Teacher.
  • For Students (Licenses):
    • Family License: Legally print a book for your immediate family
    • Small Class: Legally print up to 10 copies of a book
    • Large Class: Legally print up to 30 copies of a book

 All ebook licenses are non-transferable.

My student does not read at grade level. Will this prevent him from using this curriculum?

No! Grapevine is very flexible and adaptable for young readers or students with special learning needs.

The Bible passages can be read by teachers or other students. Review questions and answers for each lesson are done verbablly or the teacher can have students draw the answers.

My student does not write at grade level. Will this prevent them from using this curriculum?

No, most of the student work is drawing stick figures. Other writing activities can be completed verbally instead of in written form.

No! Grapevine is very flexible and adaptable for young writers or students with special learning needs.

Our Traceable version of the studies is perfect for those who need a little extra help with writing.

Try a Sample Lesson.

What color of pencils and markers do I need?

You will need the 8 basic colors: purple, red, blue, brown, black, yellow, orange, and green. Get Crayola Colored Pencils here.

Here is a brief outline of the color scheme.

  • Purple: Reserved for references to God, God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Usually we use a purple triangle to reference God or God the Father, a purple cross for Jesus, and a purple bird for the Holy Spirit. We also use purple for the Tabernacle, the Temple, and the Gospel.
  • Blue: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the children of Israel, Star of David, Samuel, Nehemiah, the country of Judah, Kings of Judah, Babylon, water, Jews, religious leaders, (comma) and men in general.
  • Green: Creation, the kings (Saul, David, Solomon), prophets, Daniel, money, the Disciples, and the Wise Men.
  • Yellow: Glory, sun, moon, stars, spies (the ten who wanted to return to Egypt), Pilate, angels, camels, articles in the Temple and Tabernacle, lions, and the Armor of God.
  • Orange: Joseph, Joshua, Elizabeth, and Stephen.
  • Red: Heart of Man, Moses, Ruth, Esther, the country of Israel, Kings of Israel, Assyria, blood, and women in general, cup (Last Supper), Saul/Paul, Romans, Satan, and demons.
  • Brown: Noah, Job, Egypt, the Desert, Ezra, John the Baptist, bread, animals, the cross and the tomb.
  • Black: Sin, Tower of Babel, the Law, Herod, darkness, animals and idols.

Ordering FAQs

What is the refund policy?
Grapevine Studies will happily refund your purchase amount, not including shipping to and from your address, for materials returned to us within 30 days of receipt of materials. A restocking fee of 20% of total merchandise will be charged on all returned items. Materials must be returned in “New Condition” with no marks, bent pages, no writing, etc. Damaged materials will be refunded at 50% of the purchase price. EBooks and eLessons are non-refundable but eligible for exchange.
Books vs eBooks – Which is best for me?

Do I need both an eBook and Book?

No, you are free to choose either the ebook or physical book. The content is exactly the same in both the ebook and physical books.

Books come

  • 3 Hole Punched Loose Leaf pages
  • (OR) Softbound

When will I get my books?

  • Media Mail: 7-10 Business Days
  • Priority Mail: 2-3 Business Days


Grapevine offers eBooks for those parents and teachers who would like to print their own books.

Teacher eBooks

  • Teacher: Legally make copies for one teacher

Student eBook Licenses

  • Family: Legally make copies for your immediate family
  • Small Class: Legally make up to 10 copies of a book
  • Large Class: Legally make up to 30 copies of a book

When will I receive my ebook?

Immediately. Once your order is placed you will receive a New Order email. Scroll to the bottom of that email and you will see a the blue download link(s).

What should I do with my ebook?

Save the ebook(s) to a file on your device. The download link will expire in 30 days.

Apps for your eBooks (PDF format)
Desktop/Laptop Reader (Adobe Reader)
iPad: iBooks
Android Tablets: Adobe App Link

What method of payment can I use?
You may use: Debt Card, PayPal, Visa, and MasterCard. We will happily take your order over the phone, you can reach us at 307-529-2019.
What will I receive when my order is complete?
Immediately following the completion of your order you will receive a New Order email. Be sure to check your Junk file if you do not see the email come in.
When will I receive my order?


We attempt to ship all orders within 2 business days. We ship Media Mail unless you choose to upgrade to Priority Mail. Media mail can take 1 to 2 weeks.
You will receive an email giving you a tracking number once your order ships.
In the event an item you ordered is on backorder, we will email you and keep you updated on the estimated ship date.


Once your order is placed you will immediately receive a New Order email. Scroll to the bottom of that email and you will see a Click Here to Download link.

Save the ebook(s)to a file on your device. The download link will expire in 60 days.
Be sure to update your PDF reader (Adobe Reader) before downloading your ebooks.

eBooks come in PDF format
Desktop/Laptop Reader (Adobe Reader)
iPad: iBooks
Android Tablets: Adobe App Link

I think my order might be lost in the mail?
On occasion the USPS misplaces a package. If your box does not arrive within 14 days, or seems to be stuck at a location for more than 7 days, please take the tracking number to your local post office where they can give you the most up-to-date information on delivery.
Do you offer a discount for group purchases?
Yes, we would love to talk with you about the pricing we can give your group. Simply contact our office and we can give you the details.
Can I order if I am outside the US?

Yes! Often our international customers order the eBook (PDF) version of our books.

If you want the books shipped to your home, we can do that for you.

  1. Complete your order. If you need a US address use PO Box 1383, Glenrock, WY 82637
  2. We will put together your order and send you the shipping options. Please note that international shipping starts at $60.
  3. After payment is received, your books will ship.